

Argo has several objectives. It will provide a quantitative description of the changing state of the upper ocean and the patterns of ocean climate variability from months to decades, including heat and freshwater storage and transport. The data will complement the Jason altimeter with measurements of subsurface temperature and salinity vertical structure and velocity information, with sufficient coverage and resolution to permit interpretation of altimetric sea surface height variability. more information on the program at Argo www site


Argo temperature sample

Argo data are provided by two Global DAta Centers (GDACs) , the Coriolis data center and USGODAE server , which serves both operational users and the research community with:

  • Individual profiles acquired by the floats within 24h
  • Delayed mode profiles corrected from bias and linear drift within one year
  • Weekly Temperature and gridded analyses combined with other in-situ measurement

Research & Development

Temperature weekly gridded map at 10m depth

Argo data are used to initialize ocean and coupled ocean-atmosphere forecast models. A main focus of Argo is to document seasonal to decadal climate variability and to aid our understanding of its predictability. A wide range of applications is anticipated for the high-quality global ocean analyses that Argo makes possible.

Therefore work is carried out to improve delayed mode quality control procedure as well as to build new climatology and derive climate indicators.