Delayed Mode QC

This section is dedicated to Delayed Mode Quality Control activities. 

You will find information about

  • Tools shared by the Argo community
  • Information on triage tools to help DMQC identify floats to be processed first
  • DMQC mentor list
  • The Argo reference database for DMQC
  • updates about any sensor problems DMQC operators should be aware of

Tools for DMQC

This page aggregates all the information related to DMQC tools available to Argo DMQC community

What float should I process first?

The Argo community is periodically performing analysis to identify which floats need to be processed first in DMQC as anomalies are suspected.

The DMQC Mentoring System for Argo CTD data

In order to preserve and share DMQC knowledge for CTD data within the Argo community, one-on-one interactions are needed in addition to detailed documentation of methods. Therefore a DMQC Mentoring System has been set up so that new operators can reach out to a mentor of choice to learn more about DMQC activities in a personalised setting.  

Reference data base

This section provides information on the Argo Reference Database for delayed mode quality control processing.

Known issues

Information on known issues on SBE CTDs can be found here.