To propose a new Argo code in a vocabulary or initiate a discussion about an existing concept or collection, anyone can open an issue in the ArgoVocabs repository under the OneArgo github:
If the issue concerns a specific reference table, it is advised to label the issue with the name of the associated reference table (‘Rxx’). The issue is then assigned to the editor(s) in charge of the reference table. If the issue is a request for a new entry in a table, when approved, the new code is published on NVS, the Argo NetCDF file Format Checker is updated, and the issue is closed. In some cases where the decision is not straightforward, to ensure that the discussion is picked up, the Argo data management mailing list(s) may be contacted, providing the link to the Github issue in question. It is advisable to observe a two-week time limit to progress a discussion; if no comments or feedback ensue in that time frame, the decision can be considered approved by the AVTT and may be be implemented as suggested. If there is no consensus, or if the issue has large implications, the issue requires further discussion at the ADMT annual meeting. If you are unsure of which category your issue falls into, please do not hesitate to contact the ADMT co-chairs.
All Argo vocabulary issues are visible on the AVTT issues dashboard (a "project" under the OneArgo github), with associated status reflected in the various columns:
If you need help or have questions about this process, please contact Danielle Wright or Victor Turpin.