Latest version of the Argo reference database

The CTD reference database for Argo is updated on a yearly bases by Coriolis team or when there are enough new data to justify an upgrade. The CTD are provided by the PIs, the ARC, Clivar Hydrographic Center and NODC/USA. In areas with poor CTD data, good Argo profiles are used for the delayed mode QC. This Argo reference database is updated by SCRIPPS (J Gilson).

Access to reference databases:

Because the CTD database may contain CTD data that is not yet freely available, access is restricted to those performing DMQC on the data. To request access, email Codac.


December 2022

A new version of the ARGO climatology (ARGO_for_DMQC_2022V03) is available on the ftp site.

Argo Reference Database 2022V03

Argo Reference Database 2022V03


January 2022

A new version of the ARGO climatology (ARGO_for_DMQC_2021V03) is available on the ftp site.

Argo Reference database 2021V03

Argo Reference database 2021V03

December 2021

A new version of the CTD reference database (2021V02) is available on the ftp site. This version takes into account some corrections following the feedback received by the users. Some CTDs have also been added: CTDs provided by scientists, CTDs made during float deployments and some GO-SHIP CTDs retrieved from the CCHDO website.

CTD Reference Database 2021V02

CTD Reference Database 2021V02

March 2021

A new version of the CTD reference database (2021V01) is available on the ftp site. This version takes into account the GO-SHIP Easy Ocean dataset (flag GSD in QCLEVEL), dedicated to delayed mode deep Argo floats data, as well as somes new CTD (CCHDO, scientists,...). 

CTD Reference Database 2021V01

CTD Reference Database 2021V01

April 2015

A new version of the ARGO climatology (ARGO_for_DMQC_2015V01) is available on the ftp site

Argo Reference Database 2015V01

Argo Reference Database 2015V01

January 2015

A new version of the ARGO climatology (ARGO_for_DMQC_2014V04) is available on the ftp site

Argo Reference Database 2014V04

Argo Reference Database 2014V04

December 2014

A new version of the CTD reference database (2014V01) is available on the ftp site. This version takes into account somes new CTD (CCHDO, scientists) and a detailled control check on boxes of the area 1. (others areas will be corrected in next versions).

CTD Reference Database 2014V01

CTD Reference Database 2014V01

October 2014

A new version of the ARGO climatology (ARGO_for_DMQC_2014V03) is available on the ftp site

Argo Reference Database 2014V03

Argo Reference Database 2014V03

July 2014

A new version of the ARGO climatology (ARGO_for_DMQC_2014V02) is available on the ftp site

Argo Reference Database 2014V02

Argo Reference Database 2014V02

January 2014

A new version of the ARGO climatology (ARGO_for_DMQC_2013V04) is available on the ftp site

Argo Reference Database 2013V04

Argo Reference Database 2013V04

October 2013

A new version of the ARGO climatology (ARGO_for_DMQC_2013V03) is available on the ftp site

Argo Reference Database 2013V03

Argo Reference Database 2013V03


March 2013

A new version of the CTD reference database (2013V01) is available on the ftp site. This version takes into account update from WOD2009 and some corrections on data.

CTD Reference Database 2013V01

CTD Reference Database 2013V01


July 2012

A new version of the ARGO climatology (ARGO_for_DMQC_2012V02) is available on the ftp site

Argo Reference Database 2012 V02

Argo Reference Database 2012 V02

March 2012

A new version of the CTD reference database (2012V01) is available on the ftp site. This version takes into account update from WOD2009 and some new CTD from scientists.

CTD Reference Database 2012V01

CTD Reference Database 2012V01

March 2011

A new version of the CTD reference database (2010V02) is available on the ftp site. This version takes into account correction done on CTD data from the version 2010V01 and some new CTD from scientists.

CTD Reference Database 2010 V02

December 2010

A new version of the ARGO climatology (ARGO_for_DMQC_2010V04) is available on the ftp site

Argo Reference Database 2010 V04

April 2010

A new version of the ARGO climatology (ARGO_for_DMQC_2010V01) is available on the ftp site

Argo Reference Database 2010 V01


February 2010

 A new version of the CTD reference database is available on the ftp site. This version takes into account the CTD data from the WOD2009.

CTD reference database 2010V1

July 2009

 A new version of the ARGO climatology (ARGO_for_DMQC_2009V02) is available on the ftp site

Argo profile reference database October 2008


 July 2008


Argo CTD Reference Data base July 2008


The updated reference database for ARGO, including the WOD05 CTD, is now available at Coriolis. This version, that you must reference as ARGO2008V01, takes into account the conversion ITS90 to ITS68 for the temperature. The Argo float Ref DB (argo_clim) provided by John Gilson is also available on the same ftp site.

 Note :   If you detect an anomalie in the ARGO2008V01 database, please report to codac indicating the code 'source' of the station concerned (in the file ctd_<n°box>.mat) and the correction to be applied : the "source" code allow us to link the data provider and the reference of the station and to provide feedback to the provider to avoid getting the same problem while updating the database.