Atlantic ARC

 Partners involved in Argo Activities in the Atlantic (80N to 30S) have decided to collaborate with each other a to establish the Atlantic Argo Regional Center (A-ARC).
 They have decided to work together in five main directions

  •  Ensure consistency of the Argo data from the Atlantic, independent of float provider, using statistical tools to detect potential outliers and provide feedback to DACs and PIs
  • Facilitate development of a Reference Data Base for delayed mode quality control by establishing a low resolution CTD database that includes the most recently collected data (i.e., those not yet available through Clivar or NODC).
  • Logistics for deployment : inform on vessel opportunities and of compile float deployment plans in collaboration with Atlantic ARC
  • Capacity building in Mediterranean Sea and Tropical area to train interested countries on float deployment and/or data processing
  • Product delivery: The main product of the RDAC will be a consistent Argo delayed mode dataset for the North Atlantic. However some scientific products such as temperature and salinity weekly analysis, improved mean sea state of the ocean for Argo period, currents calculated from floats , .... will be made available thought A-ARC with clear documentation.

To obtain and explore information from the Argo array in the  Atlantic ocean, click here


The countries involved are at present:

  • Canada
  • France
  • Germany
  • Italy
  • Netherlands
  • Spain
  • United-Kingdom
  • USA

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