Argo Data Management Team

This section provides reference to ADMT components, members as well as access to meeting reports.

The Argo data management team is composed of at least one representative of each institute involved in Argo data management activities:

  • National Data centers (DACs)
  • Delayed mode operators (DM)
  • Argo Regional centers (ARC)
  • Global data centers (GDAC)
  • Global data repository center (GADR)

It reports to the Argo Steering team on data management issues.

The role of this team is to coordinate the data management activities for Argo to ensure an integrated access to Argo data independent to where it's processed. It defines:

  • the Argo data management infrastructure and the role of each component
  • the data format and its evolution
  • the quality control procedures both in real-tine and delayed mode